Antebellum Before Postmortem
TUCSON — Occasional notes tell me my free-lunch dispatches taste terrible — and the portions are too big. But an old pro National Geographic star who has watched global ups and downs for generations caught the essence of the last one.
He wrote: "I shall memorize and repeat this line as often as possible: "But there is no easy fix for American crises that have developed over decades. In the wider world, threats are beyond description. Doing anything helps. Doing nothing is unthinkable."
And he added a kind closer. "Let me know, please, when you are next passing the hat." In fact, I am.
As Yogi Berra, the malaprop-prone New York Yankee stalwart, once put it, "When you've come to a fork in the road, take it." That's my conundrum, and I need help.
I worked in the golden age of dinosaur correspondents — all-terrain vehicles who could live off the land. They knew where commas go in such phrases as "eats shoots and leaves." The longer they stomped through swamps and jungles, the more they learned.
My plan was to knock off at 80, if I was lucky enough to still be around. I would appreciate family and friends, commute between Emiliano the Olive Tree in Provence and Solomon the Saguaro in Arizona. And finish that book still trapped in a trunk.
But in 2016, a different sort of dinosaur, a rapacious T-rex, set about destroying the world. If he is not stopped now, we humans are toast. This is no time for old hands who have seen the reasons for this in up-close detail to sink into tarpits.
I want to stay at the keys at a time when reliable information is so hard to find. More than ever, long-time reporters with proven credibility who have seen how and why democracies fall apart must unscramble complex global realities.
On balance, I am scared witless yet still optimistic. I remember Michael Getler, a much-missed editor, ombudsman and mentor to young reporters: you can go awfully wrong betting against the American people.
Time remains to do the right thing. But only if enough people know what that is.
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